Microsoft Azure Cloud Solutions – DevOps – Azure Pipelines
Testing the effectiveness of a software is extremely crucial, and you ought to monitor this from time to time, in order to ensure that your team members are able to function seamlessly without having to encounter and glitches. This also ensures having a healthy discussion through which you will be able to figure out the grounds of improvement in your organization. Know that your growth will stop the moment you stop putting efforts to make changes in your way of work! Azure Pipelines works really astounding, and the best part is that it allows you to come up with a lot of capabilities through which you can incorporate continuous integration and continuous delivery within your teams.

Ever since the technological advances have taken over, you need to focus on techniques that will make you eligible to test your project codes automatically. If you do not test the creations from time to time, you might miss out a huge portion or opportunity to make things work effectively! Azure Pipeline is basically a cloud service that you can access to build and test your project codes. It allows you to build and test your codes continuously and thus, ship them to any target that you wish to!

What is so special about Azure Pipelines?

Azure pipelines are known to work with open source projects. It also integrated with GitHub, and is meant to deploy to various types of targets at the same time. It has gained a huge amount of popularity due to its ability to work with any platform and language. As a result, it is offering a huge amount of flexibility and convenience to the users, and thus, more and more brands are switching over to it! It is built on Linux, Mac or Windows, and even features flexible deployments to serverless or VMs, and Kubernetes. The advantages of using the Microsoft Azure pipelines is that it gives you a version control system. Alongside, the tool integrates with GitHub wherein you have a close integration with Azure Repos Git & TFVC, GitHub Enterprise, Subversion and Bitbucket Cloud.

Advantages of Azure Pipelines

Of course, having a DevOps approach will not just give you the flexibility to work on solutions that are familiar, but it also assists you to make sure that you aren’t just bound to rely on the Azure’s products but you can even integrate directly to the DevOps apps available without any hassle. Listed below are some of the merits of implementing Azure pipelines: 

  • Building web, desktop as well as mobile apps
  • Become more creative while spending lesser time doing the same repetitive tasks again and again
  • Test and deploy Java, PHP, Android, .NET, Ruby, Python, C/C++, Node.js and other iOS apps
  • Ability to deploy containers to Kubernetes and individual hosts
  • Exploring a wide range of community built on extensions from Slack to SonarCloud
  • CI/CD pipelines for all the open source projects
  • Beneficial for multi-phased builds
  • Advanced assistance for test integration, YAML, release gates and reporting

Bottom line:

The major goal of implementing Azure technique in your organization is to have a more collaborative approach amongst your teams, and thus, work on things even more smartly. With Azure pipelines, you can implement continuous delivery of your software to any cloud, including that of GCP and AWS. Its motif is to offer you with an unmatched cloud based service so that you can keep working seamlessly and thus, enable simplification of the processes for better!

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