Microsoft Azure Cloud solutions – Security – Azure DDoS Protection
Ever since the world of technology has evolved, things have become easier for organizations when it comes to accessing or handling of data but alongside, there are certain potential risks that they have brought along with themselves. With Azure DDoS Protection, you can ensure availing denial of service (DoS) attacks with the help of automatic network attack mitigation and always on monitoring. You do not have to bother much about the pricing of this tool since it is pretty similar to the way you fetch other cloud services. Since you are going to pay as per you go, there is no upfront commitment related to the same and you shall pay only according to your cloud deployment.

With the use of Azure DDoS Protection Standard, you gain advanced DDoS mitigation features through which you will become eligible to defend yourself against DDoS attacks. Also, it allows you to avail application design best practices and at the same time, tune yourself in order to protect your Azure resources against all sorts of threats in a secure cloud environment. DDoS comes with multi-layer protection wherein there is a deployment of the web application firewall (WAF), alongside special purpose firewalls monitor. This tool comprises of network layer (Layer 3 and 4, offered by Azure DDoS Protection Standard) and at the application layer (Layer 7, offered by a WAF).

The redundant system architecture of the platform uses sophisticated mitigation tools that do not only detect and identify the potential risks, but at the same time, takes a note of the probable DDoS attacks that may come along your way. It works effectively while dropping the unwanted traffic as it crosses the boundary into the network. This is indeed an amazing way through which you can eliminate the potential risks much before they start increasing the stress of the itineraries inside the network boundary.

What is so special about Azure DDoS Protection?

Azure DDoS Protection is a well packeted DDoS solution that does not only take care of the data on-premises but at the same time, it enables protection of the workloads effectively without any trouble. It is tuned in such a way that it can automatically protect all the public IP addresses in the virtual network. Since protection is absolutely simple here, you can easily do so without making any sort of changes to the existing resource or application. Besides, the built-in policies of Azure are particularly meant for better management of network security. It even offers a great ease of onboarding access to all your virtual networks, and also by doing a configuration of your logs.

Advantages of Azure DDoS Protection

The world has been evolving continuously with the ever growing dependency on the digital services. From financial services to that of healthcare, the reliability of organizations on digital services has increased enormously. Now, developing a robust DDoS strategy has become the need of the hour. Here are a few advantages of the tool as listed below:

  • Protect your apps and resources through dedicated monitoring, telemetry and logging alerts
  • Offering a network edge before it creates any impact on your apps
  • Full visibility of your DDoS attacks
  • Quick response mechanism to detect and mitigate the DDoS attacks
  • A multilayered protection to safeguard your resources

Bottom line:

Cyberthreats have become quite pervasive, and thus, the use of DDoS Protection Standard, Application Gateway web application firewall (WAF), and third-party web application firewall deployment are some of the best incorporations that have taken off late.

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